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Autism brings out a wide range of reactions from total support to careless ignorance as in the case of any mental or physical disorder. Even the supporters of autistic family members, coworkers and friends do not understand autism properly. Stereotypes are the result and the consequent hatred, embarrassment and other unhappy situations. Getting to know more about autism you can be of great help to others in society cope with the disorder.

It is significant to note that all autistic people are not the same while other diseases have their own sets of rules, autism is so complex, that every sufferer reacts differently. There is a functional scale of autistic people where high functional people hold jobs and low functioning people require care for 24 hours. The symptoms of these people are behavioral challenges, uncontrollable movement, speech and communication difficulties and emotional inadequacies. While some exhibit all symptoms, a few show only some and a few more have almost controlled the symptoms and you cannot call them autistic.

Though autistic person is different, the common thing is all is that lack of communication and expression of emotions. Like all normal persons the autistics also feel but cannot express themselves. Strong relationships bond are, however possible for them and quite a good member of them are happily married and in love. It is more difficult for them to form relationships but they can achieve it once a long period of time.

Many are under the illusion that the autistic person is a genius. It is only a myth. Though a few autistic people are extraordinarily brilliant in maths, music and arts skills their numbers are few and far between. Only a few function outside of the normal range in any skill. Movies and television make the best of the story of a talented person fighting disadvantages which makes a good plot. This is not the norm and you cannot expect much from them. Though autism is not a form of mental retardation quite a few suffer from it. Many do not suffer from it and should not be treated as such.

Autism requires from you maximum patience and tolerance. You cannot forego parties in dealing with autistic persons. This shall become easier through learning more about the disorder and disseminate the knowledge to others and create a more tolerant setting for autistic individuals in society.