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Different methods have to be utilized in the treatment of autism as there is no way of curing it completely. One means of controlling autism symptoms is to make a study of the diet given to them. According to the reports of parents of autistic children control of diet plays a vital role in the child’s behavior. The two chief dietary concerns are Glutton and Casein.

Glutton, a substance found in many common food products, wheat, rye and oats is the main culprit casein found in milk products and other dairy products. By decreasing the consumption of dairy products like bread and cheese you can control autistic behavior.

Glutton and Casein cannot be digested easily because the peptides in these substances cannot be broken down by the digestive process. As a result of this inability to breakdown the peptides, these are all absorbed into the blood stream. Major brain functions are disrupted by these elevated levels of peptides resulting in autistic effects. By avoiding foods containing glutton and casein from the child’s and your diet the body can breakdown the peptides, present in the body. The doctor can administer a simple urine test to find out if you or your child has a high absorption rate of these peptides.

Consult a doctor or nutritionist before bringing in major changes in your diet. Never attempt to cut glutton and casein from your diet suddenly as it is unhealthy to cut anything from your diet instantaneously. Your body could go into withdrawal. On the other hand start reducing these products slowly and steadily until you totally avoid them. If you are really interested in cutting these products the doctor can give you a list of all products containing glutton and casein.

There must be a dietary nutrients found in glutton and casein through some other replacement. The doctor can help you in this regard. Maintaining a balanced diet is the healthiest thing to do, cutting on glutton and casein will surely help in controlling autistic behavior which option should be considered seriously by parents. But taking a healthy diet totally is the best way to keep you and your family hale and healthy.