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It is extremely distressing to find that your child is an autistic person and time is the essence. As a parent you are totally unaware of why and how autism has affected your child. You can only think of what to do next. The only consideration is that you are not alone and that you are sailing on the same boat as other autistic persons. By researching the disorder you can help your child while coping with your emotional response.

Contact the National Autism Society of America and join the support group for parents with autism. You can find local branches offering support groups for parents and families with an autistic child. Interaction with other parents in similar situation will make you feel less alone and give you myriad of resources.

The support group will direct you to the best of doctors, invention programs, and work shops for both the child and the family. Many parents must remember that there are others who should learn to live and communicate with an autistic child. A support group for other children helps them from acting out or acting against the autistic child by touching them about the illness. Create a supportive environment for the whole family to manage the child’s illness properly.

If married, go for marriage counseling as an autistic child is a serious strain on marriage and escalates arguments. It leads to the neglect of each other and blaming for the situation. Marriage counseling helps the couple through this rough transition and helps build a supportive environment for your children. Marriage should not be a disaster and end in divorce or separation because of the autistic child. Sadly, this is the case among many couples. One another must be used for support.

Try to become an expert. The so called pediatricians and psychiatrists are not experts on autism. Their diagnosis may be improper and incorrect in treatment options. Know everything about autism, and be a great resource as a parent. This organization offers training and work shops. The news letter of ASA offers a variety of information from diagnosing to treatment. The support group of parents with autistic children supplies books and research on the reality of the situation. Educate yourself and others to offer the best and beneficial things for you child – love and guidance.