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Managing autism and autistic people will be very demanding and will drain all the energies from the parents and the caretakers. You can make your job of managing autism little bit easy if you have awareness and know what to do, when to do and how to do and you will be able to put forth a valid and worthwhile efforts in autism management. And for getting all the relevant resources you can rely on an autism support group for all your needs.

Autism support group comprises of practising professionals and very knowledgeable persons who know all the intricacies involved in autism management and treatment and they can help in all your efforts. While searching for the right and efficient autism support group you should look for few key elements that makes a part and parcel of the group s functions.

The five major and critical roles played by any autism support group are partnership support, comprehensive support, educational support, positive support, and advocacy support.

Partnership Support

An autism support group should be able to promote partnership interactions. The group should support and encourage partnership participation based on the available educational opportunities so as to fall in line with the needs of the autistic children and their family members.

Comprehensive Support

The autism support group should also be in a position to offer comprehensive support as a part of their support programmes. The dedicated comprehensive support extended should be in line with the traditional education and the individualised or the customised support should be based on the specific needs of each autistic child and must available as an all-in-one category.

Positive Support

The next critical component of an autism support group is the positive support extended. This positive support should be so devised so as to take care of all people namely the autistic child, family members and the caretakers.

It is important that the group honestly provides an opportunity and encourages people to express their emotions without any fear or reservations so as to make the available atmosphere still better and more amenable. The positive support or the encouragement of the
autism support group will assist in dissolving any possible barriers and provides a level playing field for achieving wonderful accomplishments.

Educational Support

The emotional strength of the family members of the autistic child does play a very important and pertinent role in the therapy for the autistic child. The strength can be instilled through various educational programmes and by creating autism awareness among the family members.

Hence the autism support group should be able to give a predominant importance in giving the educational support. The autism support group can strengthen the core family group through dissemination of information about the disorder, symptoms, treatments, etc.

Advocacy Support

The next major critical component of an autism support
group is the promotional role played to drive away any misconceptions about the autistic people. The group should get actively involved in eliminating any inconvenience caused to the autistic due to negligence of the general public or due to ignorance. The best part of an autism support group is that it will be able to represent the autistic people at all levels and be able to assist in social issues and restore the deserved privileges.

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