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Leaky gut syndrome and autism go hand in hand and still researchers are under way to understand it better and how the syndrome starts, why it is present in autistic children and how to treat it. Leaky gut syndrome is characterized by the inability of the intestinal wall to keep out large unwanted molecules. This syndrome indicates that the intestinal wall is altered to become permeable. This leaky gut syndrome may happen on account of increased sensitivity or allergies.

Leaky gut syndrome creates health problems as it allows molecules and substances like proteins which are normally filtered out of the intestinal tract into the intestines. As these molecules are not generally allowed inside the gut, the body misreads these non harmful substances as a virus or infection and produces antibodies to attack them. This in turn makes the body recognize certain foods and any of the body’s regular molecules like these foods as harmful that causes an auto immune disease in which the body attacks itself.

These are the two only results with leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome transports bacteria found normally in the intestinal tract to enter into the blood stream causing infection any where in the body and weakening lever making more toxins circulate all over the body leading to many medical problems.

The cause for leaky gut syndrome is not yet fully understood in spite of continuous research. The causes as per the latest diagnosis are a high alcoholic or caffeine diet drugs like ibuprofen and antacids, or a high carbohydrate diet which reduces the thickness of the intestinal wall, and others.

These are only a few reasons. The treatment for leaky guts is as uncertain as the reason for it. As the leaky gut syndrome renders the digestive system sensitive parents of autistic children want to put them gluten and casein free diets. Both gluten and casein being proteins, they may irritate and inflame a leaky gut syndrome though it is still under study. The treatment for leaky gut syndrome is to avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, or spicy foods which cause irritation in the intestines.

Comprehending leaky gut syndrome is an on going process for doctors, researchers, parents of autistic children. It does not mean, however, that nothing can be done to treat it or cope with it. If you are simply aware leaky gut syndrome in your autistic child, you will understand it better and improve his or her life.