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Of the many symptoms the autistic child experiences the most frustrating and incomprehensible one is the latest theory of mind. It is still a mystery even after a few decades of intense discussion and studies. These theories of mind problems make social interactions more strenuous for autistic persons.

Social behavior difficulties are mainly because of theory of mind from play groups as children to the social world as adults. According to the theory of mind autistic people do not recognize that other people in the world have different point of view. Though not egocentric the autistic person inherently assumes that all others think, feel and know the very things that he feels, thinks and knows. Most autistic people cannot lie which though a good quality is unnatural. They don’t consider lying as an option as they assume that everyone knows the truth as they know it.

Since these people do not lie they assume that all others also do not speak untruth. It is rude shocks to them find people speak untruth and be bad. In the business world, especially this is unnerving when first experienced, and many autistic people cannot cope with it. They cannot put themselves in other’s shoes. Though this can be taught, unfortunately it is a very difficult process for the autistic persons to remember to do.

Theory of mind makes it difficult for children even to play games with other children who require keeping a secret. They should be asked to share and release aggression in harmless ways. Frustration of some autistic person may arise because he is unable to understand why there is no “correct” reaction. They also do not understand why people don’t know certain facts. If they know it every one should know it – that is their feelings.

Theory of mind should still be studies for better understanding and treatment of autism. At present continuous social inter action is the best method along with role playing and othr games to enable autistic children to se things in many angles. Before finding a better answer to theory of mind problems it is best to be patient with autistic persons and be ready to explain your thought process to them.