Autism Information Guide

Borderline Autism and Aspergers Syndrome

Autism is a complicated brain disorder which results in impairment of communication, social and cognitive skills. An Austrian psychiatrist created many debatable outlooks about autism in the 40s. Autistic people cannot be determined with the regular symptoms and signs. The signs vary from person to person depending on the levels and severity of the condition.

The method of analysis started by a scientist called Rutter and many other scientists are adequate to detect different types of autism. Some children have only some traits of autism and otherwise appear normal. So the debate is on whether to classify these children as autistic or not and thus came the borderline concept of autism. The patients of borderline autism indicate only some signs of Kanners syndrome through their abnormality. In olden days such borderline cases were identified as patients of psychosis or schizophrenia

The Aspergers syndrome and the Kanners syndrome show the same characteristics of autism. Persons who do not have the clear traits of autism but have certain abnormalities of autism come under the Aspergers syndrome. There is a controversy between the researchers that mild form of autism is determined as Aspegers syndrome whereas some deny it. People who do not fir under the clear features of autism where labeled borderline autism as per Asperger. It was very difficult to draw the line between the autistic people and the border line due to some common features.

When Aspergers theories were accepted children with mild autism came under Aspergers syndrome. Children considered suffering from Aspergers syndrome responded to external stimulus and also had high functioning level with good IQ and good communication skills. In contrast to the autistic children who hardly develop skills, the children under Aspergers syndrome when intervened show great progress in the early childhood itself. Proper medical treatments and behavior modifications can enhance the behavior and communication skills in the children with Aspergers syndrome.

With the progress in medical science patients detected with Aspergers syndrome are efficiently with therapies making them live their life on their own and become a part of the society. They are also very responsible and socially alert and do not show any signs of the neurological disorder.

Essential Autism Guide