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Autism is neurological brain disorder which develops in infancy and continues till adulthood. The sings of autism are obvious by the age of three leading to poor communication skills and also poor social interactivity. Some autistic children have high functioning autism while some have low functioning autism. Depending on the functioning level the parents can chose therapies and educational program to modify the behavior of the child.


There has been no permanent cure for autism till date but there are some medicines available which can improve the behavior problem of the autistic child.

Serotonin helps to treat patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and also anxiety. Many autistic people use this medicine as per research. Some medicines like Lenox, Prozac and Anafranil have the ability to reverse behavior problem like repetitive behavior, irritability and aggressiveness. Studies also say that these medicines improve the eye to eye contact and also enhance social interaction. The doctor for the other signs of the autistic child prescribes another drug Ritalin. As the autistic children are highly sensitive to medicines the dosages very from person to person and any side effects noticed should be immediately reported to the doctor.


Different types of vitamins improve the different aspects of the autistic child. Studies say that Vitamin C helps to reduce the acuteness of the signs and symptoms whereas Vitamin B and magnesium improves the eye contact and also helps the child to pay attention. Experts feel that improper absorption of the nutrients play an important role in the severity of the autistic condition of the child. The childs doctor can determine the exact vitamin needed for your child after evaluation.


Autistic persons have sensitivity to certain foods. Weaning of those foods brings a clear change in their behavior. Studies say that some autistic people have problem in breaking the amino acids of food which have gluten and casein found in diary products. Some have sensitivity to oats, wheat and rye. Avoiding such foods shows decrease in autistic symptoms.


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program helps to treat the behavior problem in autistic children. This helps in treating the variety of autistic behavior like the communication skills and other behavior problems with a variety of therapies. The aim of this theory is rewarding the good behavior and punishing the bad one.

The entire behavior modification program depends on the learning ability of the autistic child. A visually inclined childs program is designed in such a way that the child benefits the maximum from it.

The above mentioned are a few treatments and therapies available to treat autism. As every autistic child is unique so choose a program that suits the child according to his/her learning ability. A program benefiting one autistic child need not benefit another. So take the help of you doctor before choosing the program. He can assess the child and advise the right therapy or program to improve the behavior problem of the autistic child.