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When the parents find out that their child is autistic they go any extent to look after and safe guard them. They look for places where their children can live in peace but it is better to set up programs for your child which can provide them with activities which in turn can manage their behavior problems socially.

Autism when detected in the child study closely the signs and indications of the autism which can help you to provide proper program and support. Join the group of people who have autistic children and exchange ideas and information which can help the parent in dealing with the child.

Choose a program that deals correctly with the social anxiety of your child. Every autistic child is unique and the same program cannot benefit every child. It depends on the behavior of the child and the skills displayed by them. An early intervention always helps the parent to modify the behavior of the autistic child which in turn can improve their social anxiety.

Playtime is a very good program for autistic children as this helps in the interaction with other kids and they can also befriend them. This participation in the play not only let them have fun but also makes them get over social anxiety. A board game played according to the age of the child helps the child to mingle and play together with other children.

Autistic children cannot understand the feeling of others which hampers their social interactivity. Picture cards of characters with facial expressions and attitude can help them in understanding the body language and feelings of others with practice.

The parents should sit and work with the child giving them opportunities to manage socially. Autistic children do not react to change very easily and sometimes may be indifferent and walk off but it is the responsibility of the parent to choose the program of their interest.

Finally autistic children learn only through patience from the parent and practice from their end. Never force the child to do an activity. Try to explain the situation slowly and patiently instead of giving them surprises. When planning a family dinner with the child or making your child play with other children make sure that the child is comfortable and enjoys the situation.

Autistic children learn with time as their ability is pretty slow but it is on the part of the parent to have endurance and provide them with ample opportunities which can help them manage social anxiety.