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Autism is a grave brain disorder, which begins in infancy and results in poor development of communication and socio interaction skills. Identify this disorder in childhood with their behavior such as avoiding mother or caregivers, do not like to be cuddled, avoids eye contact, and refuses to be in groups, difficulty to adjust to the surroundings, lack of creativity and other repetitive and typecast behaviors.

Every autistic child is unique and so is their behavior and progress. Some autistic children cannot view people and objects while some even have destructive behavior like self wounding like banging their head. They cannot adjust to new surroundings and never accept change. Some autistic children have excellent IQ and excel in math, music and arts but all autistic children have low demonstrative aptitude.

Autism has two functioning levels. They are hyper-active function and hypo-active function. Some autistic children are very spontaneous and hard to be controlled and some are very silent and inactive. But the significant symptoms of autism are poor social and communication skills, nor response to sound and smile, avoiding parents or caregivers, no eye contact, lack of proper speech, repetitive actions like clapping the hands or rocking of the body. They are also highly insensitive to the surroundings and show interest in a particular toy.

An autistic child does not have creative skills unlike a normal child even while playing or with playthings. They do not have any fear and do not react when others are in trouble. They lack clear skills and have no sympathy or concern for others.

What triggers autism and ASD ia still a mystery. Although it is a faulty genetic disorder the exact genes are yet unknown. It is a hereditary disorder so parents with one autistic child have more chances of having another autistic child. Another noted feature of autism is that it affects mostly boys than girls.

Signs of autism must be detected in time so that proper intervention at the right time can alter the further deterioration of the behavioral problems and help in the enhancement of the behavior modifications. Autistic children need more love and care from the parents than the normal children for their betterment.