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Autism and PDD (pervasive developmental disorder) are basically characterised by symptoms such as disrupted speech, poor or no communication and social interaction and the condition is regarded as one of the developmental disorders. Further, obsessive behaviour is also another outcome of the autism and PDD condition.

PDD or the Pervasive Development Disorder is the condition that deals all these developmental disorders at a macro level, hence autism actually forms a part of PDD, and autism and PDD share many common traits. The basic common traits that both autism and PDD share under the broad categories of diagnosis, causes, and treatments are:

Predicting Autism and PDD

The results of any diagnosis for autism and PDD will show any one or all the three types of impairments namely speech impairment, absence of social interaction and repetitive obsessive behaviour.

The only marked difference amongst the symptoms is in the level of severity displayed. In PDD the symptoms of impairment will be less severe or less marked where as in autism the same symptoms would be at a higher level of severity and more conspicuous.

However, only an experienced and a qualified medical professional alone can interpret the diagnosed symptoms correctly. Further, to arrive at the correct diagnosis there are so many questionnaires devised for the purpose with which the doctor could find out the presence of any impairment that may lead to autism or PDD.

Reasons for Autism and PDD

Till today the exact causes for autism and PDD are not known. However, medical researchers and other behavioural experts opine that genetics play a vital role for the onset of the autism and PDD and hence the reason lies some where in one of the branches of the family tree.

But, both the autism and PDD have evaded the genetic angle while subjected to test and that led to researchers coming to a conclusion that both autism and PDD are caused by a combination of genetic and other psychological abnormalities or anomalies.

Further, in an another school of thought, that certain administered vaccines during the early developmental stage of the child is also responsible for the development of both autism and PDD. However, there is no concrete evidence to show that vaccines are in fact responsible for the onset of autism.

Handling Autism and PDD

Autism and PDD cannot be treated with one single treatment and it normally employs a series of methods and techniques. The basic methodology comprises of many associated techniques that aim in behavior modification, techniques for overall development, appropriate medications, and in educating both the patient and the family members.

In an initial attempt the patient will be treated for bringing down the erratic behaviour so as to control the so-called “out of control” behavior. Any attempt to change the behavioural pattern will be done along with few medications and in an overall scenario, a strict discipline will be enforced so as to contain the abnormal behaviour of the patient at all times and at all levels.

Out of the many behaviour development techniques available, techniques such as ABA (applied behavior analysis), therapy for better verbal communication, physical therapy, and special education are employed. Sometimes a medical prescription may also be included in the treatment for autism and PDD.

The administered or prescribed medications may include medicine for stabilising hyperactivity or depression and the same can also be given along with tranquilisers and anti-depressants. Further, medicines will include to address the problem of convulsions in patients and all these combinations are worked out for treating the autism and PDD.

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