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In case of developmental and behavioural syndromes, certain combination of traits results in autism spectrum. The spectrum range normally comprises of high functioning autism or hyper-socialisation and low functioning autism.

Many people who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum of one kind or other normally lead a miserable life and end up in poverty.

The autism spectrum is in fact, a pervasive developmental disorder meaning that the disorder causes impairment in language skills, communication skills, self-help skills, and results in restricted motor coordination and poor scholastic achievement.

Characteristic of Autism Spectrum

Out of the several traits that are associated with autism spectrum disorder, you should be able to correctly diagnose the symptom so as to pinpoint the disorder condition. One of the main traits is the inability of the person to make friends and normally such persons will avoid eye contacts, socially non-interactive and are not very trustful.

When you look for any impairment in speech for identifying autism spectrum in a person, then you may look for presence of any high form of formal language, single word replies for the questions asked, usage of rote chunks of language, and inability to understand non-verbal or sign language.

You can also find certain assumed traits associated with autistic spectrum such as literal use of language, sticking to one particular routine, getting engrossed in an act, and improper understanding of the concepts.

Persons with autism spectrum may also show a preference to odd things such as odd colours in clothing and odd food items. They also show a poor motor coordination.

The severity of autism spectrum is determined based on the frequency and number of above-mentioned traits occurring. Persons with autism spectrum are in fact, are very adept in mathematics and science due to the fact that rote memorisation is a trait in autism spectrum.

What is the Relation with ADHD

Some scientists see a link between autism spectrum and other similar disorders. For example, ADHD has been known to have both a genetic and behavioural link with autistic spectrum. Some experts even suggest that ADHD is to be categorised under autistic spectrum disorders due to the commonness in symptoms.

Further, it is also possible for your child to get both ADHD and autism spectrum together in one time. In children the symptoms of both the conditions are almost similar in nature however as the age increases the disorder will become more distinct for you to say whether it is ADHD or autism spectrum.

It is possible for certain children who grow up with ADHD to develop a very normal communication and social skills where as it is not so in autism spectrum disorders, as the children will continue to exhibit impaired symptoms even as they grow.

We have to still go a long way in the autism spectrum journey. Despite the monumental advancements in medicine and other scientific achievements, we do not have an effective cure for this disorder. Your effort to know more about the subject can in fact see you helping autistic people in many ways and assisting them to lead a near normal life.

[tags]Autism, Autism Spectrum, ADHD [/tags]