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Autism is a neurological disorder resulting in impairment of speech and other social interaction behaviour and it generally affects children in the age group of less than three years. For long the autism disorder evaded the various researches undertaken to know the exact cause.

The only known factor is that autistic people tend to react in a different manner to the external stimulus due to the reason that they process and interpret information differently from that of any normal person. Despite many numbers of diagnosed autism cases, as of today there is no autism cure.

Learning and Liking to Live Without a Cure

It is an interesting fact to know that many people who have been diagnosed with autism have expressed their desire to live with the disorder and never looked for an autism cure. Many people afflicted with autism have taken the disorder in their stride and started to live their lives the way nature has given to them.

They also consider that living in a autistic condition is in fact a blessing showered on them for the reason that they know how to fight the odds in life and come out successful.

Autism afflicts different people in different ways meaning that there are no two autistic people with the same behavioural symptoms. However, with prolonged and intensive therapies, many autistic people have started living a near normal life without the debilitating autistic disorders.

Only few people seek for an autism cure when they find living with the disorder difficult or in other words only people who are unable to live with the disorders turn to seek for an autism cure.

Autistic people fail to keep a normal or cordial relationship with the outside world and normally like to be in solitude always. They will also be indifferent and sometimes shun away from affectionate behaviours such as touching or hugging and they also show undesirable or inappropriate reactions to certain external stimulus.

They also exhibit uncontrolled scream or tantrums when their regular routine is disturbed or altered. In many cases, autistic people cannot stand loud noises and very bad odours. Almost all the autistic people react or respond differently for any given stimulus or occasions. Hence, it is important for you to involve the autistic people in activities that encourage social interaction so that they can be made to live normally.

Awareness is the Key to make Situation Better

In the absence of any autism cure, the only available method is to understand the autistic people and make their life better by constantly engaging them in social interactions. It is a pity to see that many people taking the weird or eerie behaviour of the autistic people as just “crazy” and even start advising to behave properly. Only here comes the role of awareness or education that can make general public to see autistic person as a yet another general person and accept the way they are.

Though there is no doubt that one day researchers will come out with an autism cure, till such time people can be made to be aware of this disorder and can be made to contribute liberally for the cause.

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