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First let us understand that Autism and Chelation are two different entities. When your blood or your organs accumulate toxic heavy metals or toxins in short, then the toxin will be drawn out through an administered binding agent that binds with the toxins and flush them out; and this process is known as Chelation. The process of chelation is very useful for treating lead poisoning and similar complications.

Autism is considered as a neurological disorder and is seen to afflict children and results in impairment of social interaction, difficulty in speech and expressions and the autistic person or the child will engage in repetitive gesticulations.

Majority of these symptoms are generally identified when the children are less than three years old. In recent times chelation has been recommended for treating autism disorder and for the sake of clarity and to differentiate we will use the terminology “chelation autism” to refer to this treatment.

How Chelation Autism Could Help

Till today the medical world is yet to give us the exact cause for autism in people. It is only known that the condition is identified even at birth, and anything beyond this is all only assumptions. Today autistic disorder is considered as a chronic condition resulting from genetic reasons and aggravated by environmental factors.

In one of the findings it was observed that the autistic people are not able to assimilate mercury in their body and hence the theory of high level of mercury in one’s body causing autism came into being.

Only here the Chelation autism enters into the picture and assist in removing the toxic mercury from the body using chelating agents. It was thought that removal of mercury from the body could assist in reducing few of the autism-related symptoms.

The theory of autism caused by a high level of mercury in one’s blood also hold water when you consider the increasing incidence of mercury in our atmosphere and in our body and also due to the usage of thimerson, a mercuric compound, used for preserving the childhood vaccines.

But the critics say that today’s experts and pediatricians were able to diagnose autism correctly and precisely with the help of sophisticated diagnostic tools and proven scientific methods and all the earlier cases of autism went undetected or undiagnosed for want of such sophisticated tools and techniques.

Toxic Properties of Mercury

In case of mercury toxicity, you will have dilated pupils, sweat profusely on your hands and feet, and exhibit violent knee jerks. You may also have esotropia condition meaning that one of your eyes will be focussed on one subject and the other eye turning inward (sort of a squint eye) and will develop increased heart rates and rashes all over the body.

You can get your blood, urine and even hair tested for presence of mercury in your body. Even in high toxic levels, it will be difficult for the doctors to ascertain the mercury level through such tests, and hence you must subject yourself to a series of tests. Further, even if you get rid of your mercuric toxicity from your blood, hair and urine, the toxic effects will continue to be present in the brain.

Now people believe that this trace amount of mercury absorbed by the brain is causing autism in children. So chelation autism is a must for the brain to get rid of the mercury for curing autism. Medicines such as DMPS (2,3-dimercaptopropane sulfonate) and DMSA (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) are used in chelation autism.

Out of the two, the DMPS has not been tested on children and hence not recommended for treating children. The other DMSA can be used for chelation autism and the FDA has also certified use of DMSA in children for curing lead and mercury poisoning.

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