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Autism is a disease that has seen a sharp increase over the past several decades. ? As a matter of fact, almost 1 out of every 500 individuals are affected by this disease on a worldwide basis. ? Most of the new cases that are being reported, especially since the 1980s have been found in children. ? One of the reasons why this is the case is because of an increased knowledge about the disease and individuals being able to recognize it earlier. ? As a matter of fact, knowing how to recognize the autism early symptoms is really one of the first steps in combating this disease and dealing with it successfully.

For the most part, the autism early symptoms are recognized within the first two years of a child’s life, even though the disease may not show up fully for quite some time. ? These symptoms typically display themselves in one of three different areas. ? They either show up in the individual’s social development, communication skills or in some form of repetitive behavior. ? Of course, there are other autism early symptoms that can be recognized but these three are the most common.

In a child without autism, social behavior is something that develops early in childhood and continues to develop throughout their lifetime. ? In a child with autism, however, these social development of the child is impaired in one way or another. ? You may recognize things such as the child having less eye contact with you or with others and an inability to approach others or to form intimate relationships. ? It’s interesting to note, however, that autistic children often do form attachments to those that give them primary care.

A child that is slow to develop communication skills is not necessarily displaying autistic symptoms but it can be something that is looked for in order to detect the disease early. ? Repetitive behavior is also something that is recognized very young in an autistic child and may include things such as stacking items, compulsively lining up items or things such as flapping of the hands or body rocking.

Discovering the autism early symptoms is one of the best ways to be able to face this disease had on. ? Although there is not a cure for autism at this time, it is possible to be able to work with those individuals and it becomes much easier if the disease is recognized early.