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A recent study undertaken to know the prevalence of autism reveals a shocking news that the diagnosed autism cases have increased manifold and has reached six times higher than the position that was prevalent in the early 80s. Today the doctors are more familiarised with the affliction than they were at 20 years back.

In earlier days detecting or diagnosing autism was not easy and majority of the cases were taken as mental retardation rather than the neurological disorders. However, things are changed today and the whole of medical fraternity is aware of this debilitating disorder condition and knows better as how to diagnose and treat autism.

Autism is one of the conditions that have been researched very widely and in depth. Yet, the actual reason that triggers the autism in a person has not been found. The only reasonable finding made in the research is that children are not born with the disorder and they get afflicted or develop the disorder when they are 16 to 18 months old and once afflicted the disorder gain an alarming proportion as the children grow.

The autism makes the child perceive things differently than the actual or the original condition and the autism afflicted child will be different from other normal child in responding to things. And in the process the child start losing his/her ability to communicate or interact efficiently and retracts from the outer world both physically and

No Autism Book that can lend a helping hand to an Autistic

Though the autism condition and the effects are well and extensively documented, there is not even a single autism book that can come to the aid of the autistic children or person. However, if you can assess the situation you can find out the non-responsive nature of the autistic children and adults to the outside world as the reason behind such non-availability of autism book.

It is not likely for an autistic person to take a self-help autism book in their hands and read them so as to follow any of the indicated suggestions. The only behaviour that autism-affected person will tend to do is the regular repetition of few favourable gesticulations or movements and never bothered to do any thing other than what is chosen.

An autism book should in fact be useful and able to guide only people around the autistic people and not the autistic people themselves. More than the real autistic people, only people around these autistic people need training and guidance as how to deal with the autistic people and cope with them.

When your need for an autism book under such category, then there are many autism books that can teach and guide you as how to go about your daily life while dealing with autistic people. Still there are so many areas that may need more clarifications and the researchers are in fact struggling to make all ends meet in their endeavour to bring in a more comprehensive guide or autism book.

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