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A brain development disorder, autism attacks at an early age and destroys the ability to communicate and interact with others normally. Varying degrees of autism are present. Much milder forms of it like Asperger s syndrome are called Autism Spectrum Disorders .

Though there is known cure for autism, early diagnoses helps them to get suitable treatment to cope with it and its challenges to attain their full potential in life. As every case is unique the degree of success varies from individual to individual. However the positive thing is that treatment is effective and progress is assured.

There are many unfortunate souls affected with autism who have shared their experience by writing their precious in sights help others to gain practical and positive attitude towards their own situation. The article available at The National Autistic Society is wonderful examples to show that their issues are the same as the pressures we feel in social situations. But there is higher degree of sensitively and some natural social cues they do not see their point of view, when understood impels us to react with patience and compassion. These people continually toil at the art of interactive with others. This attempt turns their successful progress to some things to be admired and respected.

Author Temple Grandin is one of the high profile individual who has triumphed over her autism. She took her Ph.D and wrote a book entitled Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports from My Life with Autism . Her continuing struggle did not prevent her from success in life and represents others with great achievements.

The eminent scientists and mathematician and physicist Albert Einstein is said to have a milder form of autism- Asperger s syndrome. Wolfgang Mozart and Pablo Picasso are others that had suffered from autism. Hence we cannot limit or under estimate their potentialities of such people.

One of the tests of successful living is the very brave challenge of the people against autism everyday. Even the smallest problem is a great triumph for them. Let us hope that the understanding and awareness of all will show that they remember this.