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Autism being a neurological disorder is known to affect the various stages of development in an individual. Autistic person conceives the external stimulus differently from that of other normal persons and hence they respond in a different way.

As of now, nobody knows what causes autism in people, and there is no known cure also for autism. However, medical fraternity is very confident that the undergoing autism research can certainly find out a cure in the near future that can eradicate the autism in its totality. So far the research has given us a good treatment schedules for fighting autism disorders.

Existence of Various Hypothesis

The long drawn autism research has given us some hypothesis for better understanding about the possible causes of the disorder. Majority of the researchers opines that genetics play a very vital role in the affliction of autism in children, as they were able to trace back few autism cases in the family tree of the present autistic children. However, there are people who counter this argument or theory with many other possible causes.

Still few other people opine that any brain injury may trigger autism in children. The research on this line has also established the fact that autistic children have lesser number of neurons in an area of the brain called amygdala that control the memory and emotional functions of a person – a lesser number of neurons lead to a poor memory or emotional intelligence. However, the autism research is yet to confirm this theory of brain damage leading
to autism.

Still others put the blame on environmental factors for causing autism in children. Autism research has concretely established that autism doesn’t know any racial or social or ethnic boundaries in its affliction process. Further, there is no proof for the lifestyle or the financial status of a person causing autism disorder in children.

Extending Liberal Assistance

As we are not anywhere near to a cure for autism, the present research has to go a long way deep into our future for getting a definite cure. The scope of the existing autism research must be further extended if at all we want to have an effective cure for autism. The fund required to continue the present level of autism research and to extend it further will be high and a liberal assistance either through public donation or government funding alone can sustain the autism research.

When you make your donation please do it through your local autism society so as to ensure that the money is going to the right place for the right purpose. After all we need to support our scientists and researchers in their endeavour for finding a cure for the autism disorder.

When you see the other angle namely the mind set of people with autism and the family of autistic people, you may be surprised to know that many autistic people would like to live with the disorder and never look for any cure or treatment. They take this opportunity to express their inner strength in fighting the life s odds and want to declare to the world that they are invincible.

Despite the fact of many autistic people not looking for a cure, still autism research can be of much help in educating and creating an awareness in others about the autism disorder. This is because many of the general public still see the weird or eerie behaviour of the autistic people as just crazy behaviour. Finally, are we not socially responsible and supposed to provide a level playing field for the autistic people also the way they deserve it?

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