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In modern times, when, unfortunately many marriages and in separation or divorce, the presence of an autistic child increases the statistics to a great extent. With all the love and affection showered on the child by the couple. Autism is a very difficult matter and a severe strain on the marriage. You can avoid divorce and other marital problems by developing a positive attitude to the situation and trying to keep your marriage healthy. It is not impossible to survive the most trying times of raising an autistic child.

Introspect and ask yourself why you entered into wedlock. Focus on the good things of your marriage. No doubt raising an autistic child is a terrible stress and at the smallest misstep you may snap at the other person. Without focusing on the bad qualities reflect and enjoy the way you did at the beginning of your relationship like spending sometime apart from your children. When you realize that your child is autistic take strength from the fact that you are not the only two people with whom your child will respond. A grand parent aunt or uncle, mature sibling or many are good people to be present intimately in your child’s life . it is only in this way you can spend time with your spouse.

Don’t be quarrel some and fight with your spouse. You may have different ideas about what to do and how to act in different situations. Compromise with your spouse and always seek professional consultations in advance of taking any medical decision. Your cooperation and working together is the best opportunity for the child. Fix a particular time every week to spend together as a family especially if one parent is the primary care giver.

Don’t to hesitate to eek help when in need. Any successful marriage requires time to focus on individual needs. The same thing is true with life spent with an autistic child. If you find that it is impossible to be happy unless you both are alone, it is time for reevaluating the situation. The intervention of a family or a marriage counselor can help you both come back to a happy life together. It will be intensely helpful to meet and interact with other couples raising autistic children. Though you are not alone, managing an autistic child is never easy. With an incessant effort to keep your marriage happy even under the stress of raising an autistic child, you are saved from the inevitable messy end of divorce and separation.