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There are medicine options galore available to control autistic symptoms as in the case of any other illness, disease or disorder. Autism can never be cured through medication but can only be controlled to a certain extent. Each drug has its own advantages and disadvantages and side effects. The doctor will prescribe effective drugs to treat autism. But autism differs from person to person and hence you should be very careful in using these drugs and watch how the body reacts to the treatment.

Safety of the drug is the first consideration. A few cannot be used in children and people under a certain weight. Ensure proper dosage of the drug and find how it is administered (pills, injection or liquids). This is important if you are not comfortable with certain methods like injecting yourself or your child. Examine how safe the drug is to people who do not suffer from autism. See that the drug is not lethal in case it falls into the hand of children. Also find out what you should do in case it falls in for the wrong hands.

More a comprehensive idea of the side effects of the drugs you are using. The drugs can control aggression responsiveness, hyperactivity and other autistic tendencies while at the same time cause sedation nausea and dizziness. Think thousand times before starting a treatment lest you will have bottles of pills to counter act the effects of others. Don’t forget that medications that have long term effects. Will you and your child be slave of the drug? Will you be tolerate how will it affect the body over the time? It is the doctor who should answer these questions before you start any medication.

You can research on these drugs at your local library or on the internet. Journals and health care magazines are up to date and reliable. But there is altered information on the World Wide Web. So be cautious about following the advice before consulting the doctor. He will also be able to offer the literature about the medication options for autistic patients. Researches are on the many choices before making any decisions for the betterment of your health.