Autism Information Guide

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Theories Say What Causes Autism

Autism is a severe brain disorder which affects the behavior of the child which changes their mental and physical progress. It hampers the cognitive behavior and also the social and communication skills. These children are prone to respiratory problems, allergies, digestive problems, epilepsy, sleeping disorders and also relapsing of viral diseases.

The causes of autism are yet a mystery and discussions are still on the factors that disturb the neurological condition that brings about autism. Regressive Autism is the most debated subject as children progress normally and all of a sudden they have defective speech and changes in behavior.

Research says there are many reasons that trigger autism. The factors that cause autism can be genetic, metabolic, poor immune system or even due to surroundings.

Information and date reveal that autism is hereditary. There are chances of 3-10% probability of having an autistic child when there is already one in the family.

Some believe that certain types of genes help in the happening of autism. But scientists are still not able to distinguish the relation between the faulty genes and autism. Although affirmations say that autism is caused due to genetic disorders the entire truth is still in question.

Some say autism is the effect of some illness or disorders happened earlier or due to some serious bacterial infections, genetic disorders or sometimes due to brain abnormality. These conditions may aggravate autism but cannot be the reason for autism as many children with the above mentioned problems are not autistic. So the belief is that autism is the result of genetic disability along with the disturbed external factors.

In olden days society made parents responsible for autism due to the belief that emotional disturbances in the initial stages of a child resulted in autism. But today theories have proved them wrong.

Medical science is till researching on autism but it is still a mystery. The cause and remedy is still in quest although studies and research is still going on the subject of autism.

The Link between Brain Functions and Lack of Social Skill

The Link between Brain Functions and Lack of Social Skill in Autism

Autism is a neurological brain disorder which develops in infancy and continues till adulthood. The autistic chil has poor communication and social skills along with many behavior problems. They lack in creativity, cannot relate to people and things, had repetitive behavior and never accepts change. Some children show mental retardation to a certain extent due to autism.

Autism ia a serious brain disorder found in children and this disorder has increased manifold in the past decade and is still rising. There are around 1.5 million in US and studies say that there are chances of its increase by 10% every year. Autism mostly affects boys than girls and the reason is unknown.

Research is going on the subject of autism, the factors that trigger it but medical science is yet to get an answer. But scientists believe that genetic malfunctioning along with abnormal functioning of the central nervous system causes autism.

The improper interaction in the brain is the reason for the lack of social interaction in the autistic child. Studies and experiments say that autistic people have a very low brain activity in contrast to the normal people and the lack of social interaction skill is due to the weak performance of the brain.

An experiment done with 16 autistic people and 16 normal people by measuring the brain activity and reaction by showing them a series of images revealed the brain activity in both. They had to spot the differences between the objects and the human faces. Normal people showed high level functioning when shown the human faces and low level functioning when shown the representation of the objects. But all autistic people showed low functioning level of the brain irrespective of the image shown.

Different people explain the results of the experiment indifferent ways. Some are of the idea that the impairment in the brain is the reason for low response in the autistic people. Some say that the inability to focus is the problem than the inability to recognize the objects and human faces. Finally scientists believe that improper interaction between the areas of brain is the reason for their indifference and poor social interaction.

Thus the experiment shows a distinct relationship between the brain function and the poor skills of the autistic people and also the physiological traits of autistic people.

Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Autism Spectrum Disorder displays different types of impaired behavior and skills due to the neurological brain disorder. This type of autism also begins in childhood and continues till adulthood impairing social and communication skills. Every ASD child is unique and the same signs and symptoms may vary from mild top severe in two different children. Given below are some common behavior problem spotted with ASD.

The children affected by the ASD lack eye to eye contact and never mix in a group. They never like being cuddled or touched and stay aloof doing things by themselves. Some people act indifferent when trying to draw their attention which depends entirely on the severity of the condition. When the disorder is mild children do not know to mix with other children of their age group and as adults they do not know to relate.

They lack communication skill and in some cases children affected with ASD do not speak at all. Some have repetitive behavior and so keep repeating the words said to them instead of replying to our question. Children who talk stop talking totally as they grow up.

Children with ASD cannot modulate their voice which is another type of poor communicational skill. They are also poor listeners and cannot listen to a topic discussed for long. Some stand very close to the person talking and keep talking not allowing the other person to speak.

Some ASD persons set a certain routine for themselves and stick to it very ritually. Any change in this routine disturbs them very much and such repetitive behavior becomes a vital part of their life style.

Children with ASD progress in a different manner when compared to normal children. The motor skills of such children are normal but their communication skills are impaired. Although they find it difficult to make friends and mix with children of their age there are brilliant enough to solve a complex puzzle.

Depending on the environmental factors the signs and symptoms of the ASD patients may improve or deteriorate and also varies from one individual to another.

Symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome – Mild Autism

Human brain is a complicated process and medical science is yet to give a clear picture of how exactly it works. It is a very important tool to a human being in expressing his intelligence. Unfortunately for causes unknown when a chaos takes place neurologically it results in brain disorder cause misery to the person affected and to the people around him. This is the Aspergers Disorder or the Asperger’s Syndrome.

Other than Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Pervasive Development Disorder, Retts Syndrome, and Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome comes under the five neurologically based disorders of the brain which hampers the different developmental phases of a person.

A Viennese pediatrician, Hans Asperger explained the concept of Aspergers syndrome is a branch of autism. The signs are more or less like autism and the person looks very much normal so it is termed as mild level autism.

Children suffering from Aspergers syndrome have same traits of autism but comparatively in a milder form. These children have poor communication skill but have good language and cognitive skill.

Although they have malfunctions is certain areas like autism they do not have any delay in cognitive and learning language skill. People with disorder have normal cleverness and brainpower but shows some type of awkwardness. Due to this they cannot understand the social pattern of behavior although they are not socially shy. Aspergers syndrome disorder people can never understand people in distress. They also have poor eye contact, poor gestures and cannot pay much attention in a conversation.

Although an Aspergers syndrome child have good language skill they do not have voice modulation and are usually flat or singsong when they speak. They have liking to a particular subject are very crazy about it.

Aspergers syndrome should not be taken lightly although it is mild when compared to autism and other PDD. Their defects continue till adulthood and in some cases they show individual traits and also alarming signs which do match with reality.

Aspergers syndrome affected people are in a world of their own with limited interests and awkward motor skills. They also show decline in language and social skill and also other abnormalities in behavior. Despite the fact that it is a milder version of autism, it has its own defects that effect the person with this disorder.

Steady and Regular Discipline for Autistic Childrent

Parents take great effort to imbibe discipline in their children. In some families discipline is totally absent and children are indiscipline. But when in comes to an autistic child discipline is very necessary and to put in practice is very difficult. The approach to discipline in autistic children is difficult and parents when fail they should take the necessary help from the professionals. Constant, regular, positive and well timed approach in discipline is necessary and vital when it comes to imbibing discipline in autistic children.

Discipline towards autistic children should always be positive. All positive behavior from the children should be rewarded whereas avoid reward for the negative behavior. Such a treatment does well not only for normal children but does wonders for autistic children.

It is very important for the parents to find out when the children behave badly. It could be for fun or may be that they are irritated or under some pain. If they are disturbed try to divert their attention which will help them to relax. This method of relaxation may take time for them to learn but with regular practice and determination even the autistic child can achieve it.

The parents should have a constant discipline with the child and the moment they fail in it they will lose control over the child. For example punish for the child bad behavior and reward for good behavior.

The penalty given for bad behavior should remain the same each time. If the parents opt for the 1-2-3 technique then it should be the same always or else the child will not respond or learn things properly. The instant you lose control of the circumstances you should understand that the child has not learnt anything constructively.

Timing is a very important factor. The mother need not wait for the father to be back home to punish the child for his/her bad behavior. Scold or punish the child immediately when the incident takes place.

It is very important that both the parents use the same method when it comes to discipline as the child does not react properly to the parent who opposes the technique.

You can join the free autism newsletter to get more guidelines on parenting autistic children. Every bad behavior handled in the same manner gives the child gets a clear picture of thing to do and not to do. Postponed punishments do not produce positive result and the autistic child learns nothing.

Bringing up a normal child is challenging and the situation is multifold when the child is autistic. Avoid shouting or actions which can make the situation go out of control. When upset just walk away or else things may go beyond repair.

Handling autistic children is very challenging but regular practice things become very easy. Every child has its own way of learning discipline as long as there are immediate actions for every good and bad behavior there will be positive results and good progress in the autistic child.

Research by Medical Scientists Kanner and Rutter

There is a debate regarding Kanners research as some agree with his views on new ideas about autism while some scientists totally disagree with him on the point stating that autism is like any other brain disorder. The fact is that they refuse to accept autism as a type of syndrome because of the difference of opinion in Kanners research.

Some medical scientists who accepted Kanners thoughts followed his theories in their practice. But some who found it confusing started identifying all people with neurological problems as autistic misreading the studies of Kanner.

In late seventies another scientist Rutter developed new theories which could explain autism on the whole. To bring an end to the confusion he modified the Kanners concept of autism. Here are some of the new principles presented by Rutter in diagnosing autism.

Symptoms of autism begin in infancy by the age of three. Strange development socially observed from intellectual progress, poor communication skill, difficulty in adapting to the surroundings, repetitive behavior, and stick to the same practice.

Kanner says that autism and intellectual development are two different factors, Rutter says that the concept of autism is based on the intellectual progress. Rutter proved that autism is identified with the level of performance of intellectual development and Kanner symptoms and lack of cognitive skill go together. Although autistic persons have good memory and good logical skills their damaged mental skill does not allow them to exhibit it. This aspect was absent in Kanners studies.

Thus Rutters research has cleared many aspects of autism helping in spotting autism in a specific and accessible way. This was a giants leap in the practice of psychiatry which was not investigated earlier. Identify autism easily nowadays irrespective of many vague features said by Kanner.

Physical and Mental Damage Caused by Autism

Autism is a neurological brain disorder which affects the areas of speech, communications and social interactions. One can become aware of this autism in infancy by the time the child is three years of age which persists till adulthood but sometimes this is only in later part of life. Autistic children are distinctly spotted as their behavior is abnormal and different from normal children. Children basically like to be in the company of their parents and also like cuddling and a circle of kids of their age but autistic children prefer loneliness and are indifferent to the group around them and are also touch sensitive.

Self centeredness is the foremost trait in autism and in this behavior problem the child is indifferent even to its parents and caregivers keep away from all communication from them. Autistic children have classified, repetitive behavior problem and they cannot accept any change in their activity. Some children have destructive behavior like body rocking and head banging,

The next area where autism affects is the speech and communication skill. Some children refuse to speak totally while some have problem while talking and so cannot convey things. So they are reserved, inactive and do not react. Some even avoid eye to eye contact.

Autistic children are of two types. Some have mild autism while some have severe ones. Children with mid autism have good logic and intelligence in spite of their poor communication and social interaction skills. Such children excel in arts, music or sometimes in calculations and mathematics. But children with severe autism at times also suffer from mental retardation leaving no room for much development and are also very slow in learning.

What triggers autism is yet a mystery but the popular belief says it is caused genetically in the central nervous system due to malfunction of the inherited system. This disorder is irreparable but medical science can reduce the intensity of the problem. Proper rehabilitation and behavior modification therapies along with medical treatment and parental support can help these autistic children to improve their communication and social interaction skill to a great extent and lead a normal life.

Mercury causes Autism – a Debated Theory

Autism has increased manifold since 80s in US affecting 500,000 children which is a serious neurological brain disorder and the reason for this disorder is still a mystery. Previously 1 in 10,000 was autistic in comparison to 1 in 175 today. Research says a new debatable theory that mercury present in the vaccine given to children is the reason for autism.

There have been many incidents where it proves that exposure to methyl mercury causes harm to humans. Some hundred years ago in US a tooth powder came up in the market which has mercury in it. A disease called Pink disease also known as Acrodynia developed which had signs of social detachment and also poor communication skills. Later when the tooth powder supply stopped in the market the disease vanished. Similarly another incident in Japan shows the effect of mercury in human beings. A mercury leak in Japan spoiled the fish in that area and the people who eat the fish came up with a disease called the Minimata disease

People who believe the connection with autism and mercury intake cite the above examples for mercury being the reason for autism in children. They say that genetic disorders along with the mercury are the main causes for autism. The childs incapability of emitting out the excess mercury could be the reason for the problem.

This is a controversial theory as most of the children vaccines include mercury. Earlier it was ethyl mercury included in the infant vaccine called thimerasol which is out of date and later it was methyl mercury. Larger doses of ethyl mercury can harm the central nervous system of the child. The theory says that whatever the type mercury children receive more mercury in the form of vaccines which could be the cause for this autism disorder.

Not all medical scientists agree with this idea and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention formed reports based on this theory and says that thimerasol does not contribute to autism disorder. If this theory holds good then parents will stop vaccinating their children according to the scientists and child specialists.

Finally the root cause for autism remains a mystery ruining the life of the affected children and their families. With more and more scientific research parents hope there will be a solution to the problem of autism.

Link between Autism and Immunizations

Autism is a neurological disorder of the brain which begins in infancy before three of old and continues till adulthood which hampers the normal progress in a person. It affects the social interaction, speech and communication skills and brings about many behavior problems. Children with mild autism can look themselves whereas children with severe cases of autism need caregiver to look after needs. Some assumptions say that immunizations cause autism but till date there has been no proof.

Studies carried out to find out the link between the autism and immunizations have no evidence in this matter. The National Childhood Encephalopathy conducted a test in 1997 to find out the connection between measles vaccine and the neurological function of the person. The result showed no neurological disorder caused by the vaccine or any other malfunction.

There were many tests done continuously for nine years to find out if there is any association between the vaccines and autism. But the tests were futile. Another test done in 1998 by Wakefield and his co-workers showed that MMR vaccine resulted in malfunction of intestines and other degenerated growth in children in few weeks after the administration of MMR vaccine. Nevertheless, the test had its own drawbacks. 4 out of 12 children who administered with this vaccine already had behavioral problems before developing problems with bowels.

So the tests conducted became futile and the opinion had to be changed proving that there is no link between the vaccines and autism. Studies are still going to find out the link between the two but there has been no scientific data. At the same time studies say autism is the result of genetic imperfection.

Lately 30,000 Japanese children from Yokohama in 1988 and 1996 underwent tests and the studies proved that there is no link between the vaccines and autism. The dosage of MMR was substituted with single vaccines but still autism prevailed.

Finally studies prove that immunization, MMR had no connection with autism and parents need not fear about it. The reason for autism is still under investigation and so is the cure for this brain disorder.

Interpret Autism in Children

Studies have shown that autism affects male children four times more then the female children. Autistic children indicate certain specific features like behavior problem in social interaction, communication and speech skills. This autism starts in infancy and develops by the time the child is three years old. The abnormal behavioral traits indicate autism in children right from when they are young.

Every four out of 10,000 children today are autistic and this is persistent throughout adulthood. There are two types of autism – mild and severe. Children affected with mild autism when trained can live independently whereas children with severity need support and regular medications.

Viral Infection causes autism. Rubella virus during the first trimester may result in autism in children. The other reasons for autism in children are mainly genetic, infections and other distressing factors during gestation. There was a belief in the past that parents generated autism bit it has been proved to be incorrect.

Autism occurs in two stages of infancy. Its signs show up within a few months of birth whereas some children appear to be normal till two years of age then the indications crop up all of a sudden. Autistic children show both communicative and non communicative skill with peculiar faces and difficulty in talking. Autism children communicate in a dull and boring fashion and the language looks very artificial. Different children exhibit different traits and no two children have common behavior problem.

Autistic children have very less impulse in the outdoor surroundings. Some children are not in a position to identify their parents in their initial stages. The small child cannot smile or emote which a normal baby does in the first few months. Toilet training is very difficult in autistic children. They show some sort of behavioral problem or the other such as strange poses, rocking, and sudden outbursts and many others which are abnormal.

Autistic children never get along in a group and mostly stay detached. They have a repetitive behavior which is difficult to modify as they do not accept change. They maintain their own behavioral practice and set up an atmosphere for themselves.

Essential Autism Guide