Autism is a neurological development disorder that triggers a series of behavioural maladies such as impairment in social skills, impairment in language learning and communication abilities. Autism afflicted children normally avoid eye contacts with adults including their parents and would… Continue Reading →
Parents of autistic children will become desperate in their search for an effective cure of the autism in their child. The situation will turn to be more traumatic when they come to know that there is no cure for autism… Continue Reading →
Want to have a perfect solution for your problem? First acknowledge it and you have put your best foot forward in finding the solution! In other words, the moment you recognise your problem, you will be able to find a… Continue Reading →
Managing autism and autistic people will be very demanding and will drain all the energies from the parents and the caretakers. You can make your job of managing autism little bit easy if you have awareness and know what to… Continue Reading →
Autism spectrum disorder comprises a combination of traits that result in a range of developmental and behavioural disorders. Autism spectrum disorder is generally classified into two types namely low-functioning autism and high function autism. An autism spectrum disorder is known… Continue Reading →
Autism is a neurological disorder and is known to affect the individual s language and communications skills. Due to the impairment, autistic people will not be able to socialise freely and also suffer from restricted motor movements for a given… Continue Reading →
Till today it is not known who invented the idea of wearing a ribbon to show solidarity in cases of medical problem and for other social causes. But, whoever might have invented it, the gesture is a very great service… Continue Reading →
Autism being a neurological disorder is known to affect the various stages of development in an individual. Autistic person conceives the external stimulus differently from that of other normal persons and hence they respond in a different way. As of… Continue Reading →
The moment you come across the word atypical it will be difficult for you to clearly spell out the correct meaning. In fact, medical world has reserved this particular word to denote to the condition that gives a set of… Continue Reading →
A recent study undertaken to know the prevalence of autism reveals a shocking news that the diagnosed autism cases have increased manifold and has reached six times higher than the position that was prevalent in the early 80s. Today the… Continue Reading →