Autism Information Guide

Your Child is Autistic and You Don’t Know What To Do

It is extremely distressing to find that your child is an autistic person and time is the essence. As a parent you are totally unaware of why and how autism has affected your child. You can only think of what to do next. The only consideration is that you are not alone and that you are sailing on the same boat as other autistic persons. By researching the disorder you can help your child while coping with your emotional response.

Contact the National Autism Society of America and join the support group for parents with autism. You can find local branches offering support groups for parents and families with an autistic child. Interaction with other parents in similar situation will make you feel less alone and give you myriad of resources.

The support group will direct you to the best of doctors, invention programs, and work shops for both the child and the family. Many parents must remember that there are others who should learn to live and communicate with an autistic child. A support group for other children helps them from acting out or acting against the autistic child by touching them about the illness. Create a supportive environment for the whole family to manage the child’s illness properly.

If married, go for marriage counseling as an autistic child is a serious strain on marriage and escalates arguments. It leads to the neglect of each other and blaming for the situation. Marriage counseling helps the couple through this rough transition and helps build a supportive environment for your children. Marriage should not be a disaster and end in divorce or separation because of the autistic child. Sadly, this is the case among many couples. One another must be used for support.

Try to become an expert. The so called pediatricians and psychiatrists are not experts on autism. Their diagnosis may be improper and incorrect in treatment options. Know everything about autism, and be a great resource as a parent. This organization offers training and work shops. The news letter of ASA offers a variety of information from diagnosing to treatment. The support group of parents with autistic children supplies books and research on the reality of the situation. Educate yourself and others to offer the best and beneficial things for you child – love and guidance.

How Auditory Stimulation Helps and Hurts an Autistic Child

Sounds being a part and parcel of our day to day life, we should learn to control it especially in a learning environment while dealing with an autistic child with sensory problems. Sound can be both a blessing and bane for an autistic child. As every autistic child is different from the other, you should keenly observe what type of reactions are produced by each individual under auditory sensory stimulation.

Frightening and loud sounds of our routine daily activities hurt the growth process and are the most difficult type of sensory stimulation in an autistic child. You can never teach an autistic child by threatening or frightening. Even during toilet training the child may be scared by the sound of toilet flushing which can be over powering. You can try a potty seat a little away from the actual toilet till they are accustomed to it. Another illustration is the local and crunchy foods.

Find out if the autistic child is a picky eater and observe specifically which food he or she blatantly refuses to eat. Loud sounds of food in the mouth while crunching can hurt the ears of the autistic child. The remedy for your autistic child will be to give alternative soft foods in the place of crunchy carrots, apples or potato chips. The loud sound of the vacuum cleaner can also hurt the ears of the autistic child. If necessary carry out these activities while the child is not in the room or provide ear plugs for the use of the child when the surroundings grow too loud.

Sounds can also cause fixation. A few children always hum and appear fixated on the sights and sounds of lawn mowers. You can use this fixation for their benefit by reading stories of lawn mowers and using the humming along with a song. Music teaches the autistic child in a great way as sound is a form of nonverbal communication. Parents and teachers should definitely use this tool in a learning environment. See particularly that sound works for you and your child. You can surely and beneficially help the child by catering to his specific requirements since autism is a difficult disorder to cope with. You can thus enable the autistic child learn to manage the sounds of every day existence.

Eliminating the Source – What Causes Autism?

Hopeful parents are under the illusion that autism can be cued or controlled if only its origin is traced. But unfortunately, in spite of their best efforts, scientist, have not discovered a single reason for autism in children. It is quite likely that in distant future autism may be linked to a specific gene abnormality. The source for autism is not a single fact or but many in a child’s world. As autism never be cured or prevented we can at best help autistic children and adults by understanding them properly and compromise to make the world comfortable for them and ourselves.

There are a few things that do not cause autism like bad parenting. Such thoughts are only a myth. Mothers also were blamed, in the past, for traumatizing their children with cold parenting methods which was thought to lead to autism. This is also a myth and false. Malnutrition is also not a cause for autism though food allergies occur in many autistic children. A few of them derive benefit by taking daily vitamins.

Autism and brain interlinked and in autistic children the brain is larger and “wired” different by than a typical brain. Differences take place in many parts of the brain and we cannot target one specific malfunction but rather a general brain malfunction. Autistic children exhibit immune deficiency also. Though evidence for this is weak, research is on.

Many autistic persons have problems due to immune deficiency which may be genetic. Autism is not the fault of the parent but was found some where on the family tree and parent had to raise more than one autistic child. Autism is also linked to vaccinations but the link is under study. The benefits of vaccination more than compensate the risk of autism. Don’t deprive the child of vaccination out of fear. Take the advice of the doctor.

The cause of autism is steeped in mystery. As we cannot cure or prevent it we can best treat these people with tolerance and understanding. More and more knowledge about autism will help. The more you know the better you can help the autistic person. Autism is a very complex problem and better options will be available for treatment as researcher develops new knowledge of how it affects the body. Let us hope that on some day we can cure this complex and complicated disorder.

Social Behavior Difficulties in Autistic World

Of the many symptoms the autistic child experiences the most frustrating and incomprehensible one is the latest theory of mind. It is still a mystery even after a few decades of intense discussion and studies. These theories of mind problems make social interactions more strenuous for autistic persons.

Social behavior difficulties are mainly because of theory of mind from play groups as children to the social world as adults. According to the theory of mind autistic people do not recognize that other people in the world have different point of view. Though not egocentric the autistic person inherently assumes that all others think, feel and know the very things that he feels, thinks and knows. Most autistic people cannot lie which though a good quality is unnatural. They don’t consider lying as an option as they assume that everyone knows the truth as they know it.

Since these people do not lie they assume that all others also do not speak untruth. It is rude shocks to them find people speak untruth and be bad. In the business world, especially this is unnerving when first experienced, and many autistic people cannot cope with it. They cannot put themselves in other’s shoes. Though this can be taught, unfortunately it is a very difficult process for the autistic persons to remember to do.

Theory of mind makes it difficult for children even to play games with other children who require keeping a secret. They should be asked to share and release aggression in harmless ways. Frustration of some autistic person may arise because he is unable to understand why there is no “correct” reaction. They also do not understand why people don’t know certain facts. If they know it every one should know it – that is their feelings.

Theory of mind should still be studies for better understanding and treatment of autism. At present continuous social inter action is the best method along with role playing and othr games to enable autistic children to se things in many angles. Before finding a better answer to theory of mind problems it is best to be patient with autistic persons and be ready to explain your thought process to them.

Diagnosing Autism – Earlier the Better

It is with a sense of great shock and disbelief that you hear of autism affecting your child. You are even ready to seek a second, third or fourth opinion as autism is so different in every child and a tricky disorder to diagnose. There are, however, a few key ways to diagnose autism efficiently and identify it in children. If the infant or toddler is showing any symptoms of autism, consult the pediatrician immediately to express your anxiety.

Occurring at a young age, rather than during the adult period, autism is detected before the age of three or many times much earlier. Delays or egression in speech communication constitute the first signs of autism. Another early symptom is abnormal behavior in group play and other social situations. Autism is diagnosed first through physical examination and a review of family history by a specialist. Though the regular pediatrician can spot unusual behavior, the child should be examined by a specialist in autism and other similar disorders for proper and correct diagnosis.

Hearing test is the second next test as language and social skill delays may be due to inadequate auditory sensations. One type of auditory test records he tones the child can hear. The other test needs sedation and measures the brains response to certain tones. The first test is preferred to the second as it does not require sedation. Soon after auditory testing the doctor may subject your child to test for fragile X syndrome which goes hand in hand with autism. Evaluation of metabolism may be necessary. For this the doctor requires the child’s blood or urine samples to analyze DNA.

An MRI or CAT scan can help diagnosis of autism. Work with trusted doctors. Take second opinion for help. Once the child is diagnosed for autism, stick to the same doctor for uniform treatment, and familiarity with the person. Autism is difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. So you should learn as much as possible about the disease as soon as the doctor identifies the disease. Detection of autism quite early gives your child a better chance at transforming itself into a high functional individual with many more opportunities in life.

How to Handle Autistic Child in a Family

An autistic child in a family is the cause of diverse reactions from the supportive feelings of family member to those of disgust and disappointment from many people. A family member may scold the autistic child. The child may be unfairly looked at. The family member may insist that the autistic child be treated like other children though it is unsuitable. These things are not receptive to the relative or to the autistic child or situation. As a parent, be ready to face the situation.

Unreceptive relatives cannot comprehend what autism is and what it means to the child and your family? Though many perceive autism as mental retardation, many autistic children and adults re extremely intelligent but unfortunately incapable of expressing it like others. Explain to this hostile family member what autism is and let him spend some time with the autistic child. Let them observe the effects of autism and what methods you use to cope with it.

If the family member is still hostile and unreceptive, unsupportive and does not accept your explanation, ask him why he is so adamant. Is he scared of the child being hurt or worried about spending time with the autistic child or do they feel guilty and embarrassed. Granting that you know why the relative is unreceptive you can tackle the issue and help him manage the problem.

If the family member is prejudiced and adamant no amount of your explanation, talking or spending time together will help him. If he is stubborn and preconceived in his mind you can never make him realize how beautiful your son or daughter is with all autism. It is rather difficult to get rid of this person from your life.

But both you and your child will be free from that person’s negative energy and personality. At this juncture you require the best positive support from the other family members and the adjustment of other children that offers you the source of strength. Participate in parent support groups for autistic children by strengthening your support network. See that you are around those who do love and accept your child family.

Understanding The Characteristics of Autism

Autism is a brain development disorder impairing the person s capacity to interact and communicate with others in a normal way. Though we know what it is, it is extraordinarily complex and cannot be comprehended by its mere definition.

The behavior of the autistic individual is characterized by a pattern of repetitive activities which are also stereotype. In other words it is motor behavior seemingly driven, non functional and repetitive. It is abnormal activity and can some times result in self injury.

Autism is just a part of a spectrum of conditions designated as Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDD. A few of the disorders include Asperger s disorder, Rett s Disorder, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Though these exhibit similar clinical features, their symptoms vary as well as their behavior. Autistic patients exhibit a range of different patterns.

The three major indicators of autism are the three general aspects of impairment of communication repetitive pattern and stereotypic behavior. These problems manifest themselves at a very early age usually before the age of three, interfering with the natural growth of basic skills. Hence they are termed Developmental Disorders . The child will face obstacles in varying degrees. It is accepted that these challenges will prolong throughout their lives.

Other conditions indicative autism but do not need fully exist are impulsive behavior, short attention span, odd fears, and responses to sensory input, anxieties, unexplained abnormal skill and abilities. In spite of great awareness of autism, research has not yet identified its exact cause and nature contrary to the belief that autism is rare along with its similar conditions, it is much more prevalent and the rate of its growth is higher. This may be because medical experts are abiding to diagnose better and there is greater spectrum of associated similar conditions.

According to estimates the range is 1 person to every 500 to 1 person for every 1000. Autism is not partial to any ethnic, racial or social group but boys suffer three times more than girls.

Hug Machine for Autistic Children and Adults

Autistic children and adults are direly in need of pressures in various ways to relieve themselves and calm and cope with sensory over load. Hugs and squeezes from other people, very often, are distressful to autistic persons as they are unable to communicate their needs by indicating a certain amount of pressure. For both the autistic person and the one hugs or squeezes him it is frustrating and ineffective.

This frustration is relieved by the hug machine to enable the autistic individual control the situation as both the children and adults crave for pressure to calm down their anxiety. It is in this context that a woman with autism developed the hug machine or hug box or squeeze machine. It has two padded side boards connected near the bottom of the boards to form a V shape. The side boards are pushed by a lever to form pressure. The lever also permits the autistic children to control the amount and length of pressure.

People are examining why autistic persons respond to pressure and how it produces a calming effect. The hug machine may affect the greatly increased sensory functioning of the autistic person with disruptive or distressing behavior. The pressure applied may transfer the focus of the autistic person to a single feeling – that of pressure thereby producing a calming effect. Anxiety, for many autistic persons is crippling and frustrating and so proper social behavior becomes more difficult. The only means of releasing such anxiety is through pressure. The hug machine is in good use for several programs, researches and studies.

Squeezing and hugging an autistic child, instead of helping, can cause anxiety and increase their senses. You can, in the place of hug machine, crate a similar object. Wrap the autistic child or adult in a blanket where they can control how much pressure to apply.

Buy padded boards simulating the hugging machines side boards and tie or tape some heavy duty yarn to each side. This will allow the child to control over how much pressure to apply and for how long. Enquire if the child’s school is interested in purchasing the community hugging machine. Though this cannot be the panacea for all the child’s problems, it allows the individual to cope with the world and society.

Achieving Self Control with Autism

Most autistic children are almost devoid of self discipline resulting in inappropriate out bursts and potentially dangerous habits like aggression, harming themselves and having their heads against walls. Self management is the technique with which parents and educators try to prevent these and other behaviors of autistic tendencies. Empowering the child over itself is the key to control violent situation. It may be a positive step towards learning other behaviors also.

Self management becomes effective because the child is not at all controlled by others. Regular self management treatment during particular times of day or at school or therapy leads to the child practicing it all through the day. The key is to implement a program where the child monitors his or her behavior and activities. Start with short amounts of time; continue monitoring the child from a more passive stand point. Tell the child every ten or fifteen minutes that he or she is in control and needs to monitor and be aware of good and bad behavior.

This monitoring is a kind of self evaluation. Under control, the child reflects on it behavior in the past and present. Clear goals should be set for the child like an afternoon with no aggression for others or a day at school with no self injury. Ask the child every fifteen minutes how he or she is doing and if the goal is met. If the answer is negative the child is not ready for self management or the goals are not achievable. Ensure that the goals are easy to reach at first and then move the child toward difficult goals in the future. Success in self monitoring makes the child more positive towards experience.

A rewards system is an important part of self management. Let the child come up with its own reward according to it interest. Reinforce these good behavior or goals clearly in the child’s mind and reward the child. This renders the child totally in control of the self management system. As a simple reward put on a smiling face when the goal is met and a sad face when it is not. Gradually when the larger goal is met a new toy may be given as a reward.

As it takes a long time to develop these programs, the child and the educator must have enough time to devote to a self management experience. Reinforcement of good behavior with rewards should be determined by the child and not by an adult. Then the child will continue even when not participating in the program. This can be a good treatment program for the autistic child if it is mature enough.

Dietary Concerns for Autistic Children

Different methods have to be utilized in the treatment of autism as there is no way of curing it completely. One means of controlling autism symptoms is to make a study of the diet given to them. According to the reports of parents of autistic children control of diet plays a vital role in the child’s behavior. The two chief dietary concerns are Glutton and Casein.

Glutton, a substance found in many common food products, wheat, rye and oats is the main culprit casein found in milk products and other dairy products. By decreasing the consumption of dairy products like bread and cheese you can control autistic behavior.

Glutton and Casein cannot be digested easily because the peptides in these substances cannot be broken down by the digestive process. As a result of this inability to breakdown the peptides, these are all absorbed into the blood stream. Major brain functions are disrupted by these elevated levels of peptides resulting in autistic effects. By avoiding foods containing glutton and casein from the child’s and your diet the body can breakdown the peptides, present in the body. The doctor can administer a simple urine test to find out if you or your child has a high absorption rate of these peptides.

Consult a doctor or nutritionist before bringing in major changes in your diet. Never attempt to cut glutton and casein from your diet suddenly as it is unhealthy to cut anything from your diet instantaneously. Your body could go into withdrawal. On the other hand start reducing these products slowly and steadily until you totally avoid them. If you are really interested in cutting these products the doctor can give you a list of all products containing glutton and casein.

There must be a dietary nutrients found in glutton and casein through some other replacement. The doctor can help you in this regard. Maintaining a balanced diet is the healthiest thing to do, cutting on glutton and casein will surely help in controlling autistic behavior which option should be considered seriously by parents. But taking a healthy diet totally is the best way to keep you and your family hale and healthy.

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Essential Autism Guide